Craving Face to Face

Posted on: 01/2/14 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Today's-Teens“My kid spends way too much time staring at her phone!”

It’s the number one complaint I hear from moms and dads at my parent workshops across North America—kids spending too much time glued to technology.

So whose fault is that?

Microsoft researcher Danah Boyd says parents should blame themselves.

“Teens aren’t addicted to social media. They’re addicted to each other.” Boyd says. “They’re not allowed to hang out the way you and I did, so they moved it online.” Continue reading “Craving Face to Face”

Son of God Movie

Posted on: 12/30/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

son_of_god_movie_posterI usually try to keep up with upcoming films, but this one caught me off guard, a new film about the life of Jesus, coming to the theater this February.

The film is titled, Son of God. I saw the preview for the film when my family all went to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (really fun movie- worth seeing in the theater) the afternoon of it’s release. It was an interesting set of previews before the PG Mitty, with both Son of God and Noah (coming in March). It’s intriguing to see a surge of upcoming films telling Biblical stories (including one I’m a little nervous about).

Apparently Son of God is based on the History Channel’s miniseries Continue reading “Son of God Movie”

Christmas Flash Mob

Posted on: 12/23/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Let’s be honest, sometimes during Christmas we get distracted by shopping, wrapping, cooking, working… and we don’t necessarily forget, but we don’t take time to just stop and soak in the true reason behind Christmas.

Shoppers at a mall in Redondo beach couldn’t help but stop and soak it all in when a flash mob took a moment to sing and acknowledge the King. Here’s a peek:

Great fun.

Here’s another flash mob at a Macy’s in Philly I posted a few years ago.

Merry Christmas!

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What Ever Happened to Shrewd and Innocent?

Posted on: 12/19/13 12:46 PM | by Jonathan McKee

phil-robertson-suspendedI am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” -Matthew 10:16

This week Phil Robertson was suspended “indefinitely” after “disparaging gays as sinners” in his GQ interview.

Yes, it’s true. America has definitely evolved into a country where anyone who speaks their mind against homosexual behavior will be blacklisted. Just ask Victoria Jackson, or Blake Shelton… or Chick filA.

But let’s not be daft. We know better than this.

No, I’m not talking about changing our theology (I have clearly shared my own two cents on the gay issue), I’m talking about changing our methodology Continue reading “What Ever Happened to Shrewd and Innocent?”

Lieutenant Colonel Christmas

Posted on: 12/18/13 4:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Ashley's-FeetMost people love Christmas, but in my house, Ashley LOVES Christmas… sometimes a little too much!

I know, I know… how could someone love it too much?

If you lived in my house in late November through the New Year, you would not meet that cute 16-year-old girl we all love named Ashley. Instead, you’d meet Lieutenant Colonel Christmas, who requires everything… just so.

The day after Thanksgiving, the Colonel arrives. She starts tossing pumpkins in the garbage can and pulling out the Christmas decorations. “When are we going to decorate? Huh? When? WHEN? Continue reading “Lieutenant Colonel Christmas”

Friends with the Monster

Posted on: 12/12/13 6:52 AM | by Jonathan McKee

eminem-rihanna-the-monsterHow do young people deal with adversity today? Do they fight their demons, addictions and problems… or do they make friends with these monsters?

Young people are always searching for ways to cope. In their quest for answers, many turn to the poets whispering in their ears day and night. Two of those poets just rose to the top of the Billboard charts with their song about fighting “the monster.”

I’m referring to the new No 1 song, The Monster, from Emenim, featuring Rihanna. The song carved a slice of history for each artist on the music charts and is the 11th song to go No 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 this year (as we outlined in our annual Youth Culture Window article about the top hits of 2013, reviewing all 11 of these songs).

But what answers do Eminem and Rihanna provide Continue reading “Friends with the Monster”

Rebecca Black’s Saturday

Posted on: 12/10/13 9:46 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Rebecca-Black-SaturdayPerhaps you finally purged Rebecca Black’s autotuned 2011 music video, Friday, from your memory. Sadly, the autotuning is back, because last weekend the now 16-year-old Black released her new music video apply titled Saturday, where she joins with YouTube personality Dave Days to endlessly barrage us with the lyrics:

It’s Saturday we goin party all night
One we will remember for the rest of our lives
This Saturday we goin do it bigger than we ever have before
I don’t want this Saturday to end

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that the video starts like Katy Perry’s 2011 hit Last Friday Night (waking up hung over wondering what happened the night before), or that it ends like a PG version of Miley’s 2013 summer hit We Can’t Stop.

Take a peek for yourself Continue reading “Rebecca Black’s Saturday”

Another Little Taste of Christmas

Posted on: 12/9/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Last week I posted a fun little YouTube video to get us in the Christmas spirit… and reader Dan Manns linked another video in his comment that caught my eye.

In this YouTube video, the “Piano Guys” rotate around the piano, playing it in ways I’ve never even fathomed playing a creative rendition of Angels We Have Heard on High. Fun stuff!

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