Rebecca Black’s Saturday

Posted on: 12/10/13 9:46 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Rebecca-Black-SaturdayPerhaps you finally purged Rebecca Black’s autotuned 2011 music video, Friday, from your memory. Sadly, the autotuning is back, because last weekend the now 16-year-old Black released her new music video apply titled Saturday, where she joins with YouTube personality Dave Days to endlessly barrage us with the lyrics:

It’s Saturday we goin party all night
One we will remember for the rest of our lives
This Saturday we goin do it bigger than we ever have before
I don’t want this Saturday to end

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that the video starts like Katy Perry’s 2011 hit Last Friday Night (waking up hung over wondering what happened the night before), or that it ends like a PG version of Miley’s 2013 summer hit We Can’t Stop.

Take a peek for yourself:

Most of us agree with her line, “…trying to get Friday out of my head.”

What will kids see from this video? After all, the word is out and most kids will click to see the video this week. It’s only been a few days and it already has over 10 million views.

I think you’ll find Black’s newest video a mixed bag of nuts. In many of the moments she’s just having some good clean fun with friends, hanging at the beach, and skating… but then they end up at a party where everyone has a red solo cup in their hands and the evening digresses.

Big deal, or not?

I guess it’s up to you to decide if it’s no big deal when 16-year-olds “party.” Just read the whole story first.

Comparing this music video to mainstream artists like Miley or Nicki Minaj, this is child’s play, much like Selena and Miley once were. So yes, I’m glad that Rebecca keeps her clothes on more than the pop stars she’s emulating, but when you compare her previous Friday video to the Saturday video, you can’t help but fear the evolution that’s taking place and wonder what’s next (a la Miley).

Personally, I hope she ends up in church in her Sunday music video rethinking her weekend partying.

For a more depressing look at what our culture has become, take a look at some of the comments the video has generated on its YouTube page. I don’t like the video either… but some of these comments are brutal. Wow!

What does this video and these comments tell us about youth culture today?

3 Replies to “Rebecca Black’s Saturday”

  1. the red solo cups, the blow-up sex doll, the miley look-a-like in her underwear, i agree Jon – looks like the de-evolution has begun. still – it’s quite innocuous compared to lots of other videos out. it’s up to 13 million views now so marketing wise – it’s a success. It’s. Just. So. Lame!

    1. It is interesting how “tame” this music video is compared to others- it almost makes us think, “no big deal.” But when you list out all that the video included (kids drinking, blow up sex doll, girl in underwear…) … it makes you think how numb our culture has become to what is readily accepted. Sigh. The key for parents will be not “overreacting” to the video (since our kids probably think this video is truly “no big deal”, but interacting with our kids about it and pointing to truth.

  2. I have not seen it, but your comments make it pretty clear: A lot of people are trying to live a perpetual Saturday – a never ending party. But hopefully they will realize Sunday can be a great day! As much as this is alarming, it might also point to how we have not been communicating as well as we think or listening as much as we need to, going beyond a Sunday experience that impacts to Saturday (?)

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