Another Freebie From YS

Posted on: 09/24/08 10:09 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Yesterday I received the YS Update, the free resource email from Youth Specialties (YS) that goes out to over 20,000 youth workers. The subject line: 10-Minute Talks- Ready to Go. (A nice little plug for my newest book, 10-Minute Talks) They even provided a link to a free sample talk out of my book (a different one than the freebie talk I provided a few weeks ago- so now people have two freebies from this book). I gotta give a little shout out to YS marketing.

People always ask me how happy I am with my publishers, who I like best, etc. I’ve had 7 books published so far, 5 of which are already in print, one e-book, and one that is coming out next year. Of those 7 books, I’ve had 3 publishers: Gospel Light (my first book, The Top 12 Resources Youth Workers Want), Group (my book on recruiting and managing volunteers, The New Breed), and Youth Specialties for every other book.

I’ve got nothing to say about Gospel Light (I’ll leave it at that).

I love Group. They’re doing a great job with my book.

But if you asked me who seems to be really getting my book out there in magazines, emails, web promos, etc… I would have to say YS. YS constantly features my books in their email publicity and web promos. My first book with them was even on the cover of their YS Magalog. They get it done.

YS also brings me out to their conventions to teach workshops on the titles of my books. This is good fun, and a great opportunity to equip youth workers… but I’m sure it doesn’t hurt book sales either.  🙂

It’s funny… I noticed that YS has my newest book priced a little higher than we do on our page.  He he… I guess that means that my subscribers will want to buy it here.  🙂  Either place is good for both of us.

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