Advice to Small Group Leaders

Posted on: 03/6/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Last weekend I had a great time with Doug Fields, Mark Matlock and Megan Hutchinson training 700 youth workers at YSPalooza in Chicago!

One of the sessions I taught was “How to Lead a Small Group without Losing Your Mind.” This was a fun session where I offered 5 tools that help small group leaders (one of them was duct tape).

Before the session, I went around with my phone and filmed people in the lobby, asking them, “What advice would you give a newbie small group leader.” I synced my phone with my laptop really quick, threw the responses together using iMovie (gotta love Mac) and showed the crowd what advice they had to give to newbie small group leaders.

Here’s that video:

(Click here if you don’t see the embedded video)

I think Doug was the most profound… don’t you? He said a mouthful!

This whole weekend of training was a lot of fun. Those who follow me on Twitter saw some of the highlights of the weekend, including the picture I shot of the crowd… and of course, my lunch at Giordano’s Pizza!

We received really positive feedback from the trainings as well as all the current resources YS offered in their YSPalooza store. My book CONNECT actually sold out at the event, and my books 10-Minute Talks and More 10-Minute Talks were rapidly disappearing (maybe people liked those small group questions at the end of each of those talks).

I can’t wait to teach again with Duffy, Kara and Mark at YSPalooza Philly!

4 Replies to “Advice to Small Group Leaders”

  1. Sounds like the conference was a real success! Loved the video you included in today’s blog….very insightful. I really want to know where I can get a burger like that.

  2. I lead a LT small group in my parish. This video is really awesome. I’ve got some tips in the way of leading a small group and dealing with teens characters. Thanks Jonathan. God bless.

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