Where to Get Practical Parenting Help

Posted on: 02/6/18 3:30 AM | by Jonathan McKee

In two hours (at 9AM Pacific time) several thousand parents will receive our FREE “Parenting Help” email which always contains three helpful resources for today’s parents. Take a peek… because you might want to make sure this helpful resource is hitting your inbox twice a month:

  1. This “Parenting Help” email always includes our newest “Parenting Help” article, like the one I just wrote with three tools to engage your kids to not only remove their headphones… but tune you in. I always write these articles based on the biggest questions I’m hearing from parents online and at my parent workshops. We have an entire page of these articles that hopefully do exactly what the title implies… “help parents” with practical tools they need. Look at the last five articles I’ve written:

Please Remove Your Headphones, by Jonathan McKee
3 Tools to Engage Your Kids To Tune You In

Helping Your Kids THINK Before They CLICK, by Jonathan McKee
Two Conversations We Need to Have

3 Ingredients Catalyzing the Spike in Teen Depression, by Jonathan McKee
And How a Caring Adult Can Actually Help

Who is Peeking at Your Kids?, by Jonathan McKee
Four Wise Privacy Practices Our Kids Need to Know

Is Getting Wasted Really a Big Deal?, by Jonathan McKee

  1. This “Parenting Help” email also highlights one of my recent blogs.
  1. And finally, this “Parenting Help” email also highlights several of the recent articles I’ve been reading. Don’t miss this helpful resource. Basically, if I read an article about parenting or youth culture that I find fascinating or relevant to parenting in any way, then I link it on the front page of TheSource4Parents.com so you can read it to. Just pop on the front page of our website and take a peek at what I’ve linked. Some of these are great articles to bring up to the family at dinner and simply ask, “Do you agree?” or “Is he/she right?”

You and any other parents you know can subscribe to this “Parenting Help” email for free right here… or better yet, if you just received this blog, just scroll down to the very bottom of this blog where it says update subscription preferences and you can add the “Source for Parents” e-zine!


2 Replies to “Where to Get Practical Parenting Help”

  1. Hi Jonathan. I already read the five articles you listed. I always look forward to a new one. “Could you please take off those headphones… I’m talking to you!” I think that’s one of my most overused lines with my teens. Thanks for the tips, speakers is a good idea. But you’ve sold me with the DJ Mixmaster. That’s clever. It’s a win-win-double win! I get to know them more through their music, my teens will surely feel appreciated, and we get to enjoy good music together.Will check your books and the email service, thanks!

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