What Would it Be Like to Be…

Posted on: 07/4/08 9:24 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m not big on forwards… but this video was passed to me and caught my eye.

At first I thought this video was pretty goofy (Okay… it is pretty goofy. It’s pure “Saturday Morning Special” quality… so don’t have high expectations at all)… but I love this subject matter.


Maybe I just liked this because I spent a whole chapter in my “Do They Run…” book talking about this kind of compassion mindset that asks, “What is it like to be….?”

This also reminds me of the subject matter of the Nickelback “Saving Me” video (which we provide a MUSIC DISCUSSION write up on our web site)… a guy who can see people’s “mortality clocks” ticking away above their heads.

Good stuff.

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One Reply to “What Would it Be Like to Be…”

  1. Wouldnt it be great to have a pair of glasses like that! I know I would like to do better at just reaching out to those I come into contact with. A great video.

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