Talk with Your Kids about Drinking

Posted on: 07/31/13 3:01 AM | by Jonathan McKee

My dad saw this commercial and sent me the link. I love how it captures the conversations parents should have, need to have… and struggle to have… with their pre-teens and teens.

A couple of great things I like:

1. It’s interesting that he doesn’t say everything he thinks. He doesn’t necessary have confidence in his sons’ friends, but he refrains from any criticism.

2. When the dad’s thoughts said, “I’d do anything to keep you safe.”

3. When the kid’s thoughts said, “I love you too, Dad” even though Dad hadn’t verbalized it. The son knew it.

What did you observe?

(Great video to show at a parents meeting and discuss)

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One Reply to “Talk with Your Kids about Drinking”

  1. I just love how the Dad was willing to talk with his son even tho he was a bit uncomfortable doing so. I was not a critic of his sons friends, and he did not over play his roll as father. He trusted his son to make the right call. You could tell he had the right kinda relationship with his son when he said ” tell your friends you promised your dad.” You could just see the love!

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