My favorite training of the year

Posted on: 05/18/20 10:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’ve been to a lot of youth ministry conferences over the last couple decades…some really good ones. But one of my favorites is always the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention (NYWC). And it will be no exception this year. (And I promise you…I don’t get a thing for posting this. I’m truly just pointing you toward a worthwhile opportunity!) 

Check it out: #NYWC20  (and check out below for the special buy-one-get-one regulation on launch day- today- Monday!)

Here’s the thing about this conference… literally everyone is there!

Last year someone grabbed me in the hallway and asked me which workshop they should go to and I looked at the list. During that specific slot their choice of speakers was me, Doug Fields, Greg Stier, Kara Powell, Scott Rubin and about another ten good options. I told them honestly… “You can’t go wrong with ANY of these!” (In fact, I think they attended Greg’s, and then got the audio download for the rest of them.)

And this year, it’s actually going to be even better. This year the conference is going to be focusing even more on giving you that individual attention you need. I kid you not. All of the workshop presenters will be available to hang out with you between sessions and dialogue with you about ministry.

And if you sign up today… Monday… (the day this blog was posted)… you will get an extra registration to share with someone else (yeah… that’s a $200 savings… the cheapest you’ll get all year!!!) And if you register after Monday… it’s still a slamming deal. Jump on the web site and take a peek for yourself!

So what are you waiting for?