Sex Matters

Posted on: 02/10/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Sex-secretsTwo brand new resource are releasing that will help us dialogue about an issue… we usually keep hush hush!

The end of this week two of my brand new books about SEX will literally be coming off the press and being boxed in timely fashion… on Valentines Day… and on the release of the new movie, 50 Shades of Grey. (You might have just seen the new Youth Culture Window article I just posted about that film, “Mom, Why Do People Like ‘50 Shads of Grey’?”)

In a world filled with sexually charges images and content, I’m excited to release these two resources, one for young people and one for parents & adult mentors.

SEX MATTERSSex-Matters-620
The book for young people is called SEX MATTERS. People are describing it as “the unedited truth about sex.” It’s a candid book that tackles the real questions today’s young people are asking about sex. Doug Fields described it like this:

“Just don’t do it’ isn’t enough. Today’s young people are looking for real answers to tough questions and ‘Sex Matters’ isn’t afraid to tell them the unedited truth. Every teenager with an Internet connection or a phone in their pocket needs to read this book!” -Doug Fields

The book is just five easy-to-read chapters and I added discussion questions at the end of each chapter so a parent or youth worker can dialogue with a young person about what they read.

The book retails for just $5.99. We have the book discounted for pre-sale right now, shipping THIS MONTH. We also offer amazing bulk pricing (just $4.50 each) when you buy 10 or more—a great resource to go through with small groups. The book will hit Amazon and bookstores on March 17th.

MORE THAN JUST THE TALKMore-Than-Just-The-Talk-620
The book for parents, mentors and youth workers is called More Than Just the Talk. The book truly “pulls no punches” (to use Shaunti Feldhahn’s words describing it), and helps adults create a confortable climate of continual conversations about sex and intimacy. Dr. Kevin Leman said this about the book:

“In a world full of explicit lies, today’s kids need parents who aren’t afraid to tell them the explicit truth. The book provides parents with the tools they need to have these candid and continual conversations.” -Dr. Kevin Leman

The book retails for $13.99. We have the book discounted for pre-sale right now, shipping THIS MONTH. We offer amazing bulk pricing for this title as well. The book will hit Amazon and bookstores on March 17th.

If you’d like both these books, you can save $5 when you order it as the “sex pack” (nice, huh?)

Help me spread the word about these two brand new resources and open up the doors of dialogue about this important subject.

One Reply to “Sex Matters”

  1. Thanks for writing these books. They will be a great resource for youth. You’re approach to the subject is honest and refreshing. It’s about time that we in the church address this “troublesome” subject.

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