No Cussing Club Receives Threats

Posted on: 01/29/09 9:21 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It started with a school project. 15-year-old McKay Hatch noticed how much his friends would cuss and use dirty language constantly.  “They did it so much, they didn’t even realize they were doing it. It bothered me so much that one day I challenged them to stop.”

That was the beginning of the No Cussing Club, and the web site. It wasn’t long before the site received a massive online attack.

ABC News reports:

But then, on the Sunday after New Year’s, his father checked the group’s e-mail after church and found 7,500 unread messages — some of them threatening, almost all of them filled with obscenities.

McKay, a 15-year-old high school student from South Pasadena, Calif., has found himself the victim of a massive online attack, with people sending offensive e-mails and trying to crash the group’s Web site. Strangers ordered pizzas sent anonymously to the family home in the middle of the night. The Hatches found their mail box clogged with porn magazines.

All, says McKay, because he was trying to make the world a better place.

Click here for the entire article. It’s amazing some of the threats that this young man has received.

It gets worse.

Now some “hate” web sites are up who are celebrating that the web site got hacked. Apparently these hacking/hate sites exposed some emails from McKay’s parents talking about the money they can make on books, assemblies, etc.

Very sad.

Many of us have read articles about the increase of cussing among today’s young people. It’s sad to see these kinds of results from an effort that seemed positive.

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