A Look at Today’s Top Music… even in Amish PA

Posted on: 10/25/16 3:54 PM | by Jonathan McKee

hot-100-glimpseI just arrived home from a great weekend with Victory Church in Lancaster, PA. I trained their youth leaders Saturday night, preached in the three morning services, and then taught my Parenting The Smartphone Generation Workshop that night.

The church shoots video of their services, streams them live to their 5 locations, and then posts it online.

So here’s my sermon “Opening Up the Doors of Dialogue In Your Home”… where I gave an eye-opening peek into today’s youth culture (starting about about 20 minutes into it), including a tour of the top music young people are listening to today (starting at 29 minutes)… even in Amish Pennsylvania.

For those of you who haven’t had the chance to hear me live, here’s a peek!


10-23-16- Let’s Talk: Part 7 – Special Guest, Jonathan McKee from Victory Church on Vimeo.

Parenting Amish

Posted on: 10/22/16 8:30 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Amish-PA-TargetIn the beginning of my book More Than Just the Talk I give an example of speaking in a conservative Mennonite Brethren church in Amish, PA, and listening to parents share stories of the racy content their kids were exposed to in this perceived mecca of purity in North America.

This weekend I returned to Amish, PA to speak at yet another church (my third in Lancaster County), and I decided to visit the local Target to take a peek for myself. After all, every other state I visit I hear frustrated parents mumble under their breath, “Maybe I’ll just move to Amish, PA… then I won’t have to deal with any of this!”

Is that true?

Continue reading “Parenting Amish”

Today’s Kids and Tech in 3 Minutes

Posted on: 10/13/16 4:44 AM | by Jonathan McKee

We just finished posting a brand new YouTube video that gives an excellent summary of today’s over-connected kids… and today’s over-connected adults (Yep! I went there.)

Here it is… in 3 minutes:

Connect-Smartphone-Kid-WORKI’ve been teaching parents how to bridge this gap in our brand new parent workshop, CONNECT WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE OBSESSED KID, based on the book of similar title.

Bring this 2 hour workshop out to your city!


Trump, The P-word, and Hypocrites

Posted on: 10/10/16 4:44 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Trump-&-DRAMI try not to get political and I try not to rant. I’ll keep my momentum of NOT getting political in this post. This post is not about Trump… it’s about our hypocritical nation.

Last week we all heard recordings of Trump saying some really explicit and degrading stuff about women. It was pretty eye-opening and disappointing.

But it’s funny that while Americans, both conservative and liberal are all shaking their heads at Trump, and calling his statement “offensive”, “degrading” and “intolerable”… Continue reading “Trump, The P-word, and Hypocrites”

Mom, Can I Have Snapchat?

Posted on: 10/5/16 3:20 PM | by Jonathan McKee


Remember the good ol’ days when our biggest concern was the 3,000+ texts our daughters averaged per month?

Sure, young people still text, but with 84% of 12-17-year-old mobile subscribers having smartphones this year… apps are the new gateways of communication.

So what is the favorite communication app used by young people today?

Snapchat, “by a landslide.”

Continue reading “Mom, Can I Have Snapchat?”

On TV Last Week

Posted on: 06/28/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee


Last week I was interviewed on live TV, the Canadian TV show 100 Huntley Street, sharing ideas from my new book about how to actually connect with our kids who can’t seem to pry their eyes from their mobile devices.

The interview was fun– take a peek:

Continue reading “On TV Last Week”

same place same device

Posted on: 06/21/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photography-using-cell-phone-hand-image37069247I’m beginning to do a lot of radio interviews again with the release of my new book, and somehow this question always comes up:

What is the biggest issue parents are dealing with today?

I don’t even have to blink, because the answer is so apparent: smartphones and social media.

Yes, in a world where sexual fluidity, drug dependency, and shrinking moral values are abundant, even those issues are being propagated through the medium of social media, primarily through that device in our kids’ pockets. And whenever our kids choose to rant, or feel confused and/or depressed… where is their go to source for information as well as the platform they choose to express themselves?

Continue reading “same place same device”

Your Smartphone Obsessed Kids

Posted on: 05/31/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

52-Ways-to-Connect-MONEY-PRODUCTIt’s coming this month…

In fact, I’m getting early copies in two weeks, so I’ll be personally signing every single book you pre-order!

I’ve gotta confess: this book was such a fun project! It’s a combination of research and hands-on parenting experiences revealing the most effective venues and connection points that actually work for today’s parents who want to connect with their “over-connected” kids. It’s packed with practical stuff parents and caring adult mentors can use to engage in meaningful conversations!

Order now HERE in our new store!

At what age should I let my kid have a phone?

Posted on: 05/3/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-image-cute-little-girl-using-cell-phone-taking-selfie-portrait-happy-image52775476I hear the question at every parenting workshop I teach. It comes in many forms:

“How young is too young for my kids to have their own phone?”

“I didn’t get my kid a phone… I just got them an iPad. Is that dangerous?”

“My 11-year-old daughter wants an Instagram account. Should I let her?

“What age should I let them have access to all of this stuff?!!”

Let me give you the quick answer: 13-years-old.

It’s a question I have to keep answering again and again for parents. So let me show you a few places where it’s been addressed in detail lately.

Continue reading “At what age should I let my kid have a phone?”

52 Ways to Connect

Posted on: 04/28/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

The book, the workshop… it’s happening.

Last night I taught my brand new parent workshop, Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid, for the second time. I’m excited with the feedback I’m hearing so far! And speaking of feedback…

My publisher just sent the final cover of the book, 52 Ways to Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid, to the printer. I really like the way it turned out (with Shaunti’s kind words on the front)…

Continue reading “52 Ways to Connect”