18 Foot Python Attacks Three Year Old

Posted on: 02/11/09 10:22 AM | by Jonathan McKee

18 Foot Python + Child = lunch?

I’m not great at math… but I’ve read enough Far Side Tales to easily see this formula come to fruition. A family decided to take care of their friends’ 18 foot reticulated python. The snake get’s loose (well… yeah!), and it attacks the kid and his mother.

This is crazy… check out just a snippet from this article:

“It took all six of us to get that snake into custody.  It made just a little loop on my hand while we were wrestling with it, and it felt like a vice.  I’ve never felt anything like that,” says Metro Sergeant, Steve Custer.

Custer and officer, Jerry Ybarra, have almost half a century of law enforcement experience between them, but even that could not prepare them for the snake attack they rushed to Tuesday.

“We go into bars after bad guys all the time, guns, never blink an eye, but we looked at that snake, and there was a lot of dancing and screaming going on,” says Custer.

“Once animal control got there, we’d try to grasp him with her little tool that she has, and he would just hiss at us, and that was pretty terrifying,” adds Ybarra.

The Reticulated Python was about eighteen feet long, far bigger than the three-year-old boy it had wrapped itself around.

Hmmmm. Keeping a snake near a toddler. I’ll put this right next to “buy Lil Wayne album” in my parenting “to do” list.

The parents are now being charged- the video here.

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Youth Mentor Prevents Suicide Across Country

Posted on: 02/6/09 8:02 AM | by Jonathan McKee

This hits home for me, this was just down the freeway from me in Sacramento… and all the way across the country.

An 18-year-old Sacramento kid jumped on MySpace looking for someone to talk to. A 21-year-old youth mentor from Jersey befriends him… a friendship that just might have saved his life.

MSNBC reports:

“I felt … he reached out to me for guidance and help,” New Jersey resident Jesse Coltrane said as he recalled the discussion he had via webcam with the Sacramento youth. “That’s what he said. He said, ‘I need someone to talk to. You’re the only one I feel as though I can talk to.'”

But Monday evening, things got a little more intense. My local Sacramento Bee tells the story:

About a month ago, the California teen asked to become Coltrane’s friend on the social-networking Web site MySpace. Such requests from strangers are not unusual for the 21-year-old Coltrane, who runs a modeling and entertainment agency and has more than 500 friends listed on the Web site.

The two got to know each other with a few phone calls and talked mostly about music, Coltrane said.

But the instant message Monday evening was unexpected. It read: “im thinkin abt commitn smtn dat wll hurt alota ppl.”

Coltrane’s response, according to his computer’s archives: “What is that.”

“I dnt really wana say but just know its not good.”

Coltrane: “Suicide.”

When the younger man answered yes, Coltrane dropped out of his online business meeting and communicated with him for about seven hours by telephone, instant message and webcam.

This is one of those stories where each article offers an additional insights. MSNBC reports that Coltrane contacted the police and told them that the boy was starting to cut his wrists. It’s a fascinating little article. Another snippet:

Officers went to the teen’s home at about 3:20 a.m., found the injured youth and took him to a county mental health clinic for a 72-hour evaluation.

Leong said the youth is expected to live.

Coltrane said he’s glad the teen is getting medical help.

Coltrane added he may have helped save the teen’s life, but said that he had little choice. He recalled how the teen told him that the suicide attempt was nobody’s else’s business.

“I said, ‘Well, it’s my business now, because you brung me into it,'” Coltrane added.

An expert on suicide prevention praised Coltrane for calling police.

I guess something good has come from MySpace.


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No Cussing Club Receives Threats

Posted on: 01/29/09 9:21 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It started with a school project. 15-year-old McKay Hatch noticed how much his friends would cuss and use dirty language constantly.  “They did it so much, they didn’t even realize they were doing it. It bothered me so much that one day I challenged them to stop.”

That was the beginning of the No Cussing Club, and the www.NoCussing.com web site. It wasn’t long before the site received a massive online attack.

ABC News reports:

But then, on the Sunday after New Year’s, his father checked the group’s e-mail after church and found 7,500 unread messages — some of them threatening, almost all of them filled with obscenities.

McKay, a 15-year-old high school student from South Pasadena, Calif., has found himself the victim of a massive online attack, with people sending offensive e-mails and trying to crash the group’s Web site. Strangers ordered pizzas sent anonymously to the family home in the middle of the night. The Hatches found their mail box clogged with porn magazines.

All, says McKay, because he was trying to make the world a better place.

Click here for the entire article. It’s amazing some of the threats that this young man has received.

It gets worse.

Now some “hate” web sites are up who are celebrating that the NoCussing.com web site got hacked. Apparently these hacking/hate sites exposed some emails from McKay’s parents talking about the money they can make on books, assemblies, etc.

Very sad.

Many of us have read articles about the increase of cussing among today’s young people. It’s sad to see these kinds of results from an effort that seemed positive.

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Girl Auctioning Her Virginity Offered Millions

Posted on: 01/14/09 8:17 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Last September I blogged about a young graduate from my local California State University in Sacramento who decided to auction off her virginity to pay for graduate studies.

Now she’ll be able to pay for a little more than school. Bids for a night with Natalie have just grown up to 3.7 million dollars. So far, 10,000 men have bid to have sex with her.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at her little venture. Isn’t that what our society is teaching our kids? Take your clothes off, and get paid! We encouraged Jennifer Anniston (and I quote, “I applaud her”) when she did it. Britney’s video goes number one when she does it. The message is clear. Skin pays!

I think the ironic part of this whole matter is the intent behind this whole endeavor. 22 year old Natalie wants to become a marriage and family counselor.

Maybe this will get men to become more interested in seeing a counselor.

“Sorry honey, I’m going to be late for dinner. I’m going to be seeing my therapist again.”

“Why are those bills so expensive dear?”

Natalie, with a degree in Women’s Studies (I’m not even going to make a comment about that one), insists that she’s not demeaning herself.

The last line of this particular article is classic. I gotta give Natalie points for getting this one thing right. Natalie concludes:

“It’s shocking that men will pay so much for someone’s virginity, which isn’t even prized so highly anymore.”

If You Take My “Halo 3” Away…

Posted on: 01/13/09 8:22 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Video games just hit the news again… no… this isn’t about sales.

An Ohio teenager just murdered his mom and wounded his father after they took away his Halo 3 game. Wow. I’m gonna think twice about taking my 15-year-old’s games away next time!

AP reports:

Although a teenager’s obsession with a violent video game may have warped his sense of reality, the boy is guilty of murdering his mother and wounding his father after they took “Halo 3” away from him, a judge ruled Monday.

“I firmly believe that Daniel Petric had no idea at the time he hatched this plot that if he killed his parents they would be dead forever,” Lorain County Common Pleas Judge James Burge said.

Nonetheless, Burge rejected the defense attorneys’ argument that Petric, 17, was not guilty by reason of insanity.

The defense didn’t contest that Petric shot his parents in October 2007 after they took the game away from him, but insisted that the teen’s youth and addiction made him less responsible.

Petric may have been addicted, but the evidence also showed he planned the crime for weeks, said Burge, who found the teenager guilty of aggravated murder, attempted aggravated murder and other charges.


The entire article here.

(ht to KJ)

Is it Okay to Show the Super Bowl at Church or Not?

Posted on: 01/10/09 4:34 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Remember all the hype in the last few years about whether the Super Bowl was allowed on the big screen at church?

This year, apparently things are different!

Two years ago NFL cracked down on a few churches and said, “No showing it on the big screens!” Last year we read reports that it was okay if you showed it on a 55″ screen (some of you remember my blog about it). This year… the NFL finally released their grip. The official word is… it’s okay to show the big game on the big screen at church Super Bowl parties.


Here’s a snippet from an ESPN article on the subject.

The NFL will allow church groups to show the Super Bowl on large-screen televisions, reversing a policy that drew criticism from elected officials.

In a letter to U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said the league will no longer object to “live showings — regardless of screen size — of the Super Bowl” by religious organizations, The Washington Post reported.

Click here for the entire article.

Stay tuned for this week’s EZINE article where we’ll post this good news and start the beginnings of the “ready-made” Super Bowl party and quiz we provide every year (Click here to peek at last year’s)

(ht to Andrew)

She Blew Her Nose and I Liked It

Posted on: 12/23/08 10:11 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m always amazed at the “perceived” value of things. Things like… a snot filled tissue.

Yeah, that’s right. Currently, a snot filled tissue is on Ebay selling for over $2,000. Not any snot filled tissue, mind you. This is the mucus from the snout of the one and only Scarlett Johansson. And the tissue was handed to her by Jay Leno on his show. She blew her nose… and the rest of history.

Check out whole story in this small USA Today article.

I wonder where the highest bidder will keep it? Will they buy a plexiglass case? What will they label the case?


“Applauding” Jennifer Aniston?

Posted on: 12/12/08 9:46 AM | by Jonathan McKee

“I applaud her.”

That’s what CNN correspondent A.J. Hammer said about Jennifer Aniston’s new naked photos in GQ Magazine (I’ll just show you the cover photo, because that’s what you’ll see on the news tonight or while standing in line at the grocery store) where Jennifer poses wearing only a tie. Inside the magazine she is seen in a risque group shot, lying between several semi-nude male models… with only a few inches of her “real estate” not showing (the inches that would have made the layout a Penthouse layout, not a GQ layout).

Side bar: Why do our young girls base their self esteem on looks? Why would they be quick to discard modesty if the price was right?

Because that’s exactly what we have taught them! After all, in this CNN report, all three correspondents applaud Jen for doing this.

Their exact words:

“I applaud her speaking out like this. I think it shows a great deal of self confidence.” – A.J. Hammer, CNN correspondent

“It is brilliant on her part. She looks beautiful at 39, she looks like she’s 23. I applaud her for doing this and I pray that she does it more often.”-Carlos Diaz, correspondent for Extra.

“I think she wants to get out there and show that she looks amazing. She looks better than ever. She is in this relationship (John Mayer). She’s got a movie coming out. I think she should just go for it! If I was her, I’d be posing with a tie on… on the cover of every magazine out there. -Kim Serafin, Editor for In Touch Weekly Magazine.

Hmmmmm. Maybe our teenagers should all go do this… since adults applaud it.

Beaming Movies to Space

Posted on: 12/10/08 8:47 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Yeah… I thought it was a joke too. But apparently not. Twentieth Century Fox is making history this Friday by beaming the brand new remake of THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL into space.

I got a chance to interview the film’s director Scott Derrickson this morning and asked him how it felt to be the director of the first film to be beamed to space. He felt privelaged. (Good interview. You’ll be hearing that soon in an upcoming podcast. He’s a really sharp guy. If you missed it, you can read my last interview with him here.)

I gotta give Fox props for their movie choice. I just saw a screener of the film yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it (I blogged all about it). And the message of the film is all about redemption- whether humans are redeemable. So I guess this film isn’t a bad choice of films to send… the message is solid.

Business Wire reports:

The first deliberate deep space transmission of this highly anticipated science fiction thriller will begin this Friday, December 12, 2008, to coincide with the film’s opening day on Planet Earth. If any civilizations are currently orbiting Alpha Centauri, they will be able to receive and view the film approximately four years from now in the year 2012…

Commented Twentieth Century Fox domestic distribution president Bruce Snyder: “We at Fox always like to think big, and what’s bigger than a ‘galactic’ release of a major motion picture event? We look forward to sharing THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL with our galactic neighbors near Alpha Centauri — and look forward to their feedback…eight years from now.”

Interesting article. It even includes a list of spots in our own solar system where and when the transmission can be intercepted… in case you happen to be near Neptune 4.03236 hours from the film’s release. (Neptune has always been Soooooo behind the times!)

I wonder what films got rejected from being sent into space? You could almost make a Top 10 List.

Starship Troopers
Independence Day
Indiana Jones 4
Alien Vs. Predator
Mars Attacks

etc. etc.

Wow… I’m wasting way too much time on this!

Landmark Cyberbullying Trial

Posted on: 11/26/08 6:57 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Many of you may remember the case about the girl and her mom who created a face MySpace account with full intent to hurt a girl that they didn’t like. Their plan worked. The girl did get hurt… she committed suicide. (We mentioned it in a Youth Culture Window article a while back.)

The case is now in the hands of the jury.

Drew (the mom) is charged with one count of conspiracy and three counts of unauthorized computer access for allegedly violating the MySpace terms of service by creating a fake profile for a non-existent 16-year-old boy named “Josh Evans.” She faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison for each charge.

According to prosecutors, Drew conspired to create the account with her then 13-year-old daughter, Sarah, and a then 18-year-old employee and friend of the family named Ashley Grills, for the purpose of inflicting psychological harm on 13-year-old Megan Meier, who then committed suicide.

Meier had angered the Drews by calling Sarah Drew a “lesbian.”

Meier, who suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts, fell in love with the fake “Josh,” prosecutors said. She killed herself only after he turned on her, and told her “the world would be a better place without you.”

Read the whole article here.