Canadian Parents Forced to Talk about Sex

Posted on: 03/9/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-McKee-100-Huntley-StreetOntario just updated their sex education curriculum for the first time in 17 years, and parents across the country are a little upset with some of the content. Students will learn about masturbation, oral sex, anal sex (hold on to your hats… I’ll be writing about this taboo subject in our next Parenting Help article), and gender identity theory. In fact, students will be learning six gender identities instead of just two.

Last week I flew to Toronto for a timely interview about my new book More Than Just the Talk on the Canadian TV show 100 Huntley Street (airing late March). This new book asserts “parents need to create a comfortable climate of continual conversations about sex” … a sore subject for Canadian parents right now Continue reading “Canadian Parents Forced to Talk about Sex”

Can I have your help?

Posted on: 03/5/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-new-bookCan I  have your help? I’m looking for a handful of people to interact with personally and get some feedback.

Here’s the skinny: My two new books about SEX are releasing on Amazon soon, and I’m looking for some readers who would like to…

  1. Read either/both of my new books
  2. Post a review on Amazon

If you would be willing to do that, I’ll interact with you personally through the process Continue reading “Can I have your help?”

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Conversations about Sex

Posted on: 02/23/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

between the sheetsThey’re here!

I’ve never experienced so much anticipation for one of my books–two of my books actually–probably because they’re candidly addressing the truth about a subject usually kept hush-hush.

I’m talking about my two brand new books about sex (both in stock and shipping today), one for teens, and one for parents and adult mentors. Thanks to all of you who have been asking me about these two resources. I’ve never had soooooo many people asking for early copies and eager to buy bulk copies for their kids and parents. (And to the hundreds of you who pre-ordered copies over the last several months… they’re shipping today!)

I won’t bother blabbing about them. Here’s what others are saying Continue reading “Conversations about Sex”

Sex Matters

Posted on: 02/10/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Sex-secretsTwo brand new resource are releasing that will help us dialogue about an issue… we usually keep hush hush!

The end of this week two of my brand new books about SEX will literally be coming off the press and being boxed in timely fashion… on Valentines Day… and on the release of the new movie, 50 Shades of Grey. (You might have just seen the new Youth Culture Window article I just posted about that film, “Mom, Why Do People Like ‘50 Shads of Grey’?”)

In a world filled with sexually charges images and content, I’m excited Continue reading “Sex Matters”

What Teens Want to Read

Posted on: 01/7/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

best-teen-booksI always find it intriguing to see what forms of entertainment today’s young people are digesting in our culture. For most of us, that brings to mind the newest Vine video, social media app, or Nicki Minaj song in the Top 10. But what about books?

Every since Harry Potter, we’ve seen a surge in YA fiction (often followed by movie releases), like the Twilight series, the Hunger Games trilogy, Divergent, or the more recent The Fault in Our Stars. In a world with so many entertainment options, what is it young people are actually reaching for on the shelf today? And with steamy adult books like 50 Shades of Grey surging mainstream… will this trickle down to the teen market?

I asked YA author Continue reading “What Teens Want to Read”

The Dark Undercurrents of Bullying

Posted on: 12/29/14 9:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Nelson-Muntz-bullyI’ve been taking time off work for a few weeks during Christmas break to not only spend as much time as possible with my family, but also to finish writing my first fiction novel, a story about a school shooting on a high school campus—a sobering peek into the dark undercurrents of teen culture and bullying.

The book has been an interesting project, providing a porthole into the perspectives of various individuals: an athlete, a Christian girl, a bullied kid, a teacher, a cop… and countless other teens.

I admit, the book hits a little too close to home. As I dove into the internal psyche of the shy, teased, isolated kid who one day just explodes in a rampage Continue reading “The Dark Undercurrents of Bullying”

What are your top three?

Posted on: 11/20/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Top-10-youth-ministry-booksWINNERS POSTED- see below.

A few weeks ago I was sitting with a group of youth workers and one of them asked me, “What are the top three youth ministry books you’d recommend we read, if we could only buy three?”

Great question.

This one caused me to pause for a few moments, after all, I’ve read a variety of insightful books that have helped me through my years of youth ministry (that lot in the picture are a pretty good bunch). But which three have proved foundational?

I’ll list the three books I shared with those youth workers that evening, and then I’ll ask you the same. What three youth ministry books have been the most influential and foundational for your ministry? (I’ll even make this a contest—chime in with a comment Continue reading “What are your top three?”

A book signing

Posted on: 11/18/14 9:58 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Jonathan-SignThis Weekend the YS Store asked me to do a book signing where I’m speaking at the National Youth Workers Convention in Atlanta, a fun opportunity to connect with people who’ve bought my books. (Curious which book sold out on the first day of this convention in Sacramento?)

So if you’re heading to this convention in Atlanta, be sure to stop by the YS Store at 3:15 on Saturday.

If you’re NOT going to be there in Atlanta… NO WORRIES. I’ll do this:

order any of my books from me this week, and I’ll personally autograph them for you. Feel free to order books for your entire volunteer team… I’ll sign every last one of them!

My TV Interview about Sex

Posted on: 11/13/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

More-Than-Just-The-Talk-WEBToday I’m being filmed for a Canadian TV show- a Christian talk show. We’re filming several segments about my upcoming book to parents, More Than Just the Talk (coming this February/March), and then some bit on how to open the doors of dialogue with today’s teenagers.

It’s interesting, as I’ve been preparing for this, taking a peek at some of the newest studies about teen sex, I keep seeing the same assertions. “We need to talk with our kids about this regularly!”

It doesn’t matter how liberal or conservative the report Continue reading “My TV Interview about Sex”

Zombie Senior Retreat

Posted on: 11/4/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Zombie Camp TXI’ve been speaking at camps for almost 20 years, and I gotta admit… this is a first!

I received a call this summer from a camp director of a big camp in TX and he told me, “I’d like you to speak at our camp this winter, but it’s going to be a little bit different than the typical senior high retreat.”

He wasn’t kidding. This camp is going all out. Each year they have anywhere from 500 to 1000 students at these retreats, but this year they are hosting a “Zombie Senior High Weekend” and they have Hollywood makeup and set designers Continue reading “Zombie Senior Retreat”