Super Bowl Quiz

Posted on: 01/28/13 3:00 AM | by Jonathan McKee

It’s almost Super Bowl time… and those of you have been receiving our youth ministry e-Zine via for the past few years know what that means. It means a fun little free resource we provide every year called the Super Bowl Quiz! (I just posted it HERE)

Tomorrow I send out our Super Bowl Quiz via our e-Zine newsletter. So if you don’t receive that free little youth ministry resource letter, sign up for that, or any of our other free resources HERE on the Connect with Us page.

The Super Bowl Quiz is a fun little party game you can use at your Super Bowl party at your church or your home. People fill out the quiz as they enter your party, predicting scores, catches, runs, etc., then you fill out the results during the game and tally up the winner.

Great fun!

Look for it in tomorrow’s e-Zine.

6 Replies to “Super Bowl Quiz”

  1. Whew, I was hoping you would do another quiz! We do a Super Bowl party for the entire church and I use the quiz to keep people interested in the game throughout the evening. The winner usually gets an Outback gift card. What’s cool is even people with limited knowledge of NFL can do relatively well on the quiz. Thanks for providing us with a free fun quiz to take each year.

  2. Jonathan, we really appreciate everything you do, and the annual Super Bowl quiz is just another thing that helps a busy yp! Thanks man!

    1. That’s the goal. We keep pumping out free resources so that you can hang out with kids instead of spending your time on the computer reduplicating something that someone else is creating in another city anyway! Might as well join forces! Keep up the good work!

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