Wow… internet access. Cool!
I’m on my fourth day of travel with my family in the Olympia (Seattle), WA area and it’s been a blur. I’m speaking at a camp called Black Lake Bible Camp this week. I’m excited because it’s been a great opportunity for ministry and a great family time for me as well.
Last night I presented the Gospel at the camp and over 30 kids gave their lives to Christ. Exciting stuff. It’s so cool seeing students praying one-on-one with counselors. Every student has a unique situation and I think one-on-one counseling is essential (I’ve jumped on my soapbox about this before) in these situations. It’s fun being just a small part of what’s going on at this junior high camp this week.
As I mentioned, I brought the family with me and we’ve been having a fun time traveling Southern Washington in between my speaking. Today we are hitting the Seattle downtown. My wife and kids have never been there, so today I’ll take them to the Pikes fish market, the pier, the Space Needle, etc. Fun stuff.
Gotta run. Just wanted to keep you posted!
If you think of it, pray for me each night at 8PM Pacific Coast time as I’m speaking to this group of junior high students.
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