Helping Today’s Parents

Posted on: 04/5/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKee

girl-dad-fightMy 3 Favorite Places to Get Real-World Help for Parents

Parenting was difficult for my parents, and I wasn’t even begging them for a Smartphone! Now add technology into the mix… how are today’s parents even supposed to handle the following situations (true circumstances parents ask me about constantly):

  • My daughter just sits and watches Netflix all afternoon… and honestly… I don’t even know what she’s watching.
  • My 11-year-old son plays X-box with his headset on talking with who knows. Should I know who he’s talking to?
  • My teenagers’ favorite app is Snapchat. It’s their go-to app for talking with their friends. I’ve read it’s bad. Am I a bad parent for letting my kids use it?
  • My 16-year-old son has had a Smartphone for years now and it sits on his dresser every night when he goes to sleep. Is that bad?

I probably don’t go a couple days without hearing one of these questions at one of my parent workshops or via email from our website

Where can parents go to find these answers?

My 3 favorite places to get real-world help for today’s parents:

s4p1. Parenting Help articles on

This web page is a gold mine of FREE help for today’s parents. Hundreds of articles written by parenting authors you recognize (Jonathan McKee, Jim Burns, Mark Oestreicher, Walt Mueller… to name a few) about current issues parents are facing. Look at the most recent article:

Are Smartphones & Social Media Too Dangerous for My Kids: Or Can Parents Effectively Teach Mobile Device Responsibility

Or how about this article, providing the most current research on what Smartphones are doing to communication in this country:

The Smartphone: Today’s Conversation Killer

You can find so much good parenting help on this page of FREE articles. Articles on pornography, gaming, Instagram, asking questions, the pressures of prom… and more. Take a peek at the whole list of articles HERE.

Get these articles by subscribing to our FREE TheSource4Parents E-MagaZINE here.

dym_logo2. Parent Resources on Download Youth Ministry:

If you are a youth worker looking for “ready-made” resources you can put in the hands of parents, DYM has done a fantastic job. They’ve already produced four volumes of “Parent Tips” which each have 5 articles professionally designed and ready to print. These are the perfect handouts for parents looking for answers on current topics like social media, discipline, porn, smartphones, etc.

DYM also provides a ready-made four-week curriculum for parents, perfect for that series you need to teach parents, but didn’t know what to teach! They even provide some fun games that parents and kids can play together!

Books-for-Parents-SMALL3. Parenting Books by Jonathan:

As nice as it is to provide a parent with an article, sometimes they are looking for something a little deeper:

Or maybe books for teenagers about Sex, growing up to be a man, or creative devotionals that today’s kids will actually read!

Enjoy these resources!