The Day Off

Posted on: 08/4/11 12:27 AM | by Jonathan McKee

I’m taking the day off today for my best friend’s birthday.

This isn’t something I can do with just anyone, but hey… she’s my best friend, and I wanted to celebrate her day with her.

We’re gonna start the morning with a run. We always run together. This probably isn’t our top choice birthday activity, but we try to run together 4 days a week anyway, and this will help ease the guilt when we splurge on dinner later in the evening.

After the run we’re gonna go shoe shopping. I know, I know… a guy… shoe shopping? I don’t know why, but something about seeing her look as sexy as she does in a pair of heels makes the whole experience worth it. So I’ll go on the record. “I like shoe shopping!” Besides, I’ve saved up for this. I know this is what she wants.

Then we’ll probably grab some authentic Mexican food for lunch at this cheap little place by our house. Great chips and salsa!

After hanging out together all afternoon we’re off to dinner at a place she loves… I can’t wait.

20 years of marriage with this girl and I’m still madly in love! No better way to spend my day off then celebrating Lori’s birthday.

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