A Clip of Jonathan Speaking to Parents

Posted on: 06/8/11 10:05 AM | by Jonathan McKee

For those of you who haven’t had a chance to hear me speak live, here’s a quick clip of me speaking to a group of parents about raising media-saturated kids. There are several different clips from this talk on our YouTube page …you tell me which you like best:

If you don’t see the embedded video above, CLICK HERE TO SEE IT.

In this video I dive into some of the difficulties parents face in a world where their kids are literally saturated with media for over 9 hours a day. Addressing parents specifically, I gave them a taste of research, combined with a little bit of application helping them teach lasting values to young people today (principles I cover in much more depth in my new parenting book).

If you’d like to see the other two videos from this same talk, click below for direct links:

Humorous Inconsistencies in How We Parent

Parenting Morning, Noon, and Night…