Heated Responses to my “Kissed a Girl” Blog

Posted on: 06/11/08 9:16 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Most of you have already read my blog about Katy Perry’s song “I Kissed a Girl.” (The song is now #5 on Billboard’s chart and #2 on iTunes.) Apparently the blog is making it’s rounds in different camps right now… because the responses are starting to pour in.

The song obviously is typical of today’s casual mindset about “doing what feels right at the moment.” But that’s not what people are reacting to (surprise, surprise). People are reacting, as always, to the homosexuality issue.

First of all, we’ve already covered this issue in this blog (and the articles we’ve linked from that blog). But people love to react on both sides. I’ve received some emails from Christians getting all frothy and hateful, making sure to remind me that homosexuality is a sin. (Yeah… duh. So is bitterness! Look in the mirror folks.) Hence my call to react in compassion.

Anyway… on the opposite spectrum we’ve got people upset that I did say it’s a sin.

I encourage you all to read the responses to that blog. I believe that reading responses from others can be a good teaching moment about other people’s beliefs and attitudes.

Pop quiz- what can we learn about this person from this excerpt of their comment? (emphasis mine)

I don’t understand why this is so upsetting. People should be free to make their own choices in life. If someone decides to be lesbian that is their choice ( I heard somewhere that it is genetic, so they can’t pick and choose they have to come to terms with it ), they still remain human and still need love and support from community and family. I like the song. It has a nice beat and is easy to dance to, this doesn’t make me lesbian, and it doesn’t make me want to be lesbian(I doubt a song could anyway).

And for you zealous ‘radical’ Christians, I think that god doesn’t consider being bi-sexual a sin….

Here’s a couple quick observations.

  1. This person’s comment is based on “feeling,” not fact. Notice the language: “I think that…”  Today’s culture doesn’t care a lot about truth… it’s all about what “works for me.” What “feels right.” It’s not uncommon to hear people say, “I think that God probably doesn’t mind when we…”  Which leads me to my second observation…
  2. The Bible isn’t an authority to many. As believers, we quote scripture to back up our beliefs. That’s not a convincing source to the majority. Don’t get me wrong. I believe in scripture as authority and will continue to quote it. But we need to understand our audience and know that, for many, scripture means nothing.
  3. Much like my first observation… this person’s comment is not only based on feeling, it’s completely without any research. Their source material is, “I heard somewhere…”  Wow… I’d hate to base my “feelings” and beliefs on, “I heard somewhere.” This is very typical of today’s young generation. In my workshops love to show an example from a newspaper article where a bunch of kids were busted for intentionally farting in class. The press got involved and the kids were interviewed. It’s hilarious. The kids reported, “It’s a natural occurrence, and we all do it 16 times a day.” But this is my favorite part of the article:

    When questioned where he learned that information, Tyler and the other students all said it was true, though they couldn’t remember where they heard it.

I love that part. They all said it was true, but they couldn’t remember where they heard it. Sound familiar?

Golfing for… you

Posted on: 06/10/08 12:02 PM | by Jonathan McKee

Yesterday I went golfing for you.

Seriously… I did. Every year we have one large fund raiser that helps us raise funds to keep the resources free for youth workers on our web site. This fund raiser is a golf marathon… three rounds of golf in one day. Golfers raise $1,000 each to play. We raised a bunch of money for our ministry… and boy did we have blast.

I’m not much of a golfer. This was only my second time playing this year. I have never broken 100 (for those of you that don’t golf, breaking 100 is a huge deal for golfers. It seperates the men from the boys. It’s when your score is under 100… on a typical par 72 course that means you have to average less then “two shots over par,” also known as double bogey, each hole. I am a double bogey golfer which means I usually shoot about a 108).

Yesterday on one of the rounds I shot a 50 on the front 9. Yes, that means that I could taste “breaking 100.” Unfortunately I fell apart on the back nine and shot a 59!

Yes… my legacy as a double bogey golfer lives on!

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Abstinence-only Haters

Posted on: 06/7/08 8:50 AM | by Jonathan McKee

If you own a TV or watch media of any kind, it’s no surprise to you that much of the world (and most of the media out there) hates the idea of Abstinence-only, and DESPISES Abstinence-only education.

I stumbled across a feminist web site today that expresses some pretty deep resentment against abstinence-only education. A glimpse at this page provided a good perspective of some of the world’s thinking. The page mocked a video (made by abstinence-only believers) that showed people transferring a piece of duct tape from place to place. The video argued that two pieces of duct tape stick together forever, but one piece, transported from place to place, loses it’s effectiveness with each transfer.

And WOW… did this web site rip on this video. Here’s their post titled, “My vagina is, in fact, not made of duct tape” (I edited a bit of the language)

Okay, I’m well aware that this “PSA” was probably made for some class project, but I really think it shows how frigging bizarre (and dangerous) abstinence-only classes are. I mean, f***ing duct tape? I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that of the many places the slutty piece of tape gets stuck, a garbage can is shown multiple times. (Just in case you didn’t get the sex-is-dirty message clearly enough.) After all, there’s nothing worse than trashy, whorey, adhesives.

The first comment was what really hit me:

Is anyone else totally creeped out by the idea of being “stuck together forever” with someone else? Ugh.


You can click here if you want to read the whole thing. (Warning… this web site has bad language.)

I’ll be the first to admit that it is very difficult to draw black and white lines in a “grey” world. We spent a week discussing some of the difficulties with trying to teach God’s design for sex in a world that embraces “Do what feels right at the moment.” I understand the lure of temptation. I can relate to the struggle of sin. But, WOW! I literally mourn for a world that gets “creeped out” by the idea of being with someone for the rest of their lives.

I’m going on year 17 with my wife and each year just gets better and better.

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The Top of the Charts… Not a Pretty Sight

Posted on: 06/6/08 8:54 AM | by Jonathan McKee

You can learn a lot about youth culture from pop culture… that’s why I try to keep my eye on the music charts and what kids are listening to.

This week the  Coldplay is making a move up the charts… a refreshing change, I must say. No bias at all, I’m just growing tired of the insult to our intelligence that has been riding the number one slot for months now. I’m referring to the number one song “Lollipop.” If you aren’t familiar with this song, I encourage you to take a quick peek at the lyrics. All I can say is… Wow!  (I don’t know… he looks like a nice fella from his pic, don’t you think?)

So you can see why I’m cheering for Coldplay.

Other songs in chart news were Katy Perry’s “I Kissed a Girl,” also soaring up the charts. I blogged about this song a lil bit ago. Enough said.

Also holding on, Usher’s “Love in the Club,” … aka “Let’s Make Love in the Club.” This song is an ironic piece. Usher’s new album is supposed to be about fidelity and matrimony now that Usher is married and settled down. His album tells his life story, and “Love in the Club” is about a time in his live when he was clubbing every night and taking women home with him. But he says that he’s different now. His album tells the story. Sorry Usher… most kids are missing that message. They’re too busy “Making Love in the Club” to  your song! (you’ll hear more about this soon on our Youth Culture Window)

I admit… music wasn’t great when I was 16. But let’s just say…this chart below is a little different picture than today’s:

Holy “YouveBeenLeftBehind” Batman!

Posted on: 06/4/08 7:15 AM | by Jonathan McKee

In a world where only 16% of 16 to 29-year-old non-Christians express favorable view of Christians (Barna, 2007) , and only 3% of 16 to 29-year-old nonChristians express favorable views of evangelicals… we Christians should try to avoid doing stupid stuff like this!

Yes, this ridiculous website seems to be real: YouveBeenLeftBehind.com. For just $40 a year, believers can arrange for up to 62 people to send a final message exactly six days after the Rapture.


Wired.com offers pretty good commentary about this. They think most nonbelievers will be too busy freaking the hell out to check their e-mail. But if they do log in, now they can be treated to some post-Rapture needling from their missing friends and loved ones, courtesy of web startup YouveBeenLeftBehind.com.”

In the YouveBeenLeftBehind.com services overview section of their website they explain:

We have set up a system to send documents by the email, to the addresses you provide, 6 days after the “Rapture” of the Church. This occurs when 3 of our 5 team members scattered around the U.S fail to log in over a 3 day period. Another 3 days are given to fail safe any false triggering of the system.

Wow. My first thought is… whatever imbecile subscribes to this site doesn’t HAVE any unbelieving friends anyway! So who are they going to put on their list? (Probably family members that they have already repelled and alienated by condemning them their whole lives)

Hello people. Let’s model the “Christ” that gave us the name “Christians. Our actions speak volumes.

Authentic lives lead to authentic conversations.

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A Blatant Commercial for Smoking Weed

Posted on: 06/2/08 9:31 PM | by Jonathan McKee

In this week’s Youth Culture Window article, I dissect pop culture, taking a look through the lens of last Sunday night’s MTV Movie Awards. In that article, I described a moment that had me scratching my head… one of the most blatant “pro pot” moments I’ve seen on television.

If pictures tell 1000 words, then video clips reveal even more. Take a look at this clip (you’ll have to watch a 30 second commercial first) from the awards show, a moment with Seth Rogen and James Franco. I could try to describe it to you… but you just have to see it.

What was the network thinking?!!

Oh that’s right. This is MTV…

Hence my article.