RoadTrip to YS NYWC This Week

Posted on: 10/8/08 9:17 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Road TripThose of you who are our THE SOURCE PODCAST subscribers, you may remember a little special episode between episode #7 and #8 where my youth worker buddy Brandon and I took a roadtrip to the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Conference last year in San Diego. This fun little podcast had far less “content” in it than normal, but a whole bunch of fun! Brandon and I surveyed various authors and speakers, “perused” the book stores, and even let you eavesdrop into some of the sessions. It was fun stuff.

Brandon and I are gonna be reprising this little venture with a road trip to the Sacramento Convention this weekend… which is 20 minutes from our houses (that makes a nice commute!)

In addition, we’re going to be giving away books to anyone who spots us at the YS Exhibit Hall on Thursday night. Brandon and I will be donning a backpack (can you don a backpack???) full of my first book, The Top 12 Resources Youth Workers Want. Anyone who sees us Thursday night in the E.H. and mentions the book… we’ll give it to them free. Not bad, huh?

I’ll also be blogging about the YS Conference throughout the weekend. I teach two workshops on Sunday and lead a discussion on outreach. For the rest of the weekend I’ll be connecting with other youth workers, authors and speakers… as well as recording some podcasts and video.

I’ll be doing the same at the Pittsburgh YS Conference if you’re considering attending one.

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