Fox Rejects John 3:16 Ad

Posted on: 02/4/11 9:19 AM | by Jonathan McKee

Wow… that’s too bad.

Fox just rejected a Super Bowl commercial that shows a guy looking up the meaning of John 3:16– good commercial by the way. Check it out:

(If you don’t see the embedded video, jump on my blog to see it)

Hmmmmm. How do you feel about this?

According to the Hollywood reporter, the network rejected the spot because it advanced specific beliefs. I guess there are several ways to look at this. First- we might think that’s really unfair. But on the other hand… how would you feel if there were commercials for Buddhism or Hinduism? (Funny side note: I had to ask my son Alec how to spell  Buddhism. He spelled it right the first time. I asked him, “How did you know that?” He said, “Well, after seeing that in our school textbooks a million times, I know how to spell Buddhism, Islam, Hindu, etc… but I’ve forgotten how to spell Christianity!”  LOL)

(ht to Todd Pearage)

4 Replies to “Fox Rejects John 3:16 Ad”

  1. I thought the concept was cool. It doesn’t surprise me or disappoint me that Fox rejected it.

    My thought, if the church needs commercials to reach people, we’re in bigger trouble than not getting an ad in the Super Bowl.

    Bottom line: We can’t accept cop outs.

  2. Isn’t it the scientologists that have the commercials? Why are they ok? Just a thought. Keep up the great work, Jonathan.

  3. Commercials for Jehovah’s witnesses, The Latter Day Saints and Scientology never say there is one way to know God. They actually never tell you how you can know God personally. This is what drew fire on the John 3:16 commercial.
    I never buy stuff because for the great commercials I buy products because I have friends who tell me they work. Our faith should never be any different as Adam said. I have never handed someone a track and heard they got saved. I have had the privilege to share what Christ has done in my life and had someone want the same for theirs.

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